Ecklonia sp. Eisenia bycyclis (Arame)

Vitamins Polysaccharides Minerals
Vitamin A Fucoidan Alginates Magnesium Iron Iodine Calcium

A Vitamins enhance vision by aiding in the synthesis of rhodopsin. Alginates are polysaccharides frequently used in the pharmaceutical and culinary industries as a gelling, or thickening agent. Fucoidan is a polysaccharide shown to reduce hyperplasia, or rapid cell replication. Iodine is a critical mineral in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland, which help govern many aspects of our health including growth. Too much iodine, however, can lead to ill effects such as goiters. Calcium is a critical mineral for bone development as well as healthy circulatory functions. Magnesium is a mineral that is critical not only the growth of bones, but also in maintaining a healthy acid/base balance in the digestive tract. Iron is a mineral that enhances hemoglobins oxygen carrying abilities between cells, thus enhancing overall health and living. Fucoidan is a polysaccharide shown to reduce hyperplasia, or rapid cell replication.

Arame is grown predominantly in the Asian Pacific areas, particularly around South Korea and Japan. Arame is known as a specialty in Japanese and other asian cuisine. It tends to have a mild, semi-sweet flavor.

One Place to Buy Arame is:


General Health Benefits include:

  • Maintain healthy digestive system
  • Great source of minerals
  • May reduce effects of hyperplasia

Recipes Containing Arame