
Hi folks!

skydiveI’m Aaron–a student, engineer, sometimes chef and rarely photographer. See, in my family growing up, we cooked like there was no tomorrow. If you could add bacon to it, it had bacon on it (FYI that’s everything). If you could cover it in cheese, we smothered it. If a little butter was good, a lot of butter was better!

I still like to cook that way, but after seeing too many relatives with heart health issues and realizing how critical it was to fuel my body with as much goodness as I, could I started cooking a little bit differently. Butter was replaced with a drop of olive oil, I started cutting the fat (don’t worry, not all of it!) off my steaks, and I even stopped putting cheese on something after you couldn’t see the surface anymore. But cooking like that got boring after a while. Salads, beans, chicken–they get dull. So instead I decided to go for a challenge.

I like seafood well enough, but I hadn’t been a real fan of seaweed, even on sushi; at least not until I saw just how popular it was becoming as one of those so-called “superfoods.” Being so healthy made the idea of seaweed just a little more…palatable…to a bacon loving, cheese smothering omnivore with a dilemma (If you got that reference, hats off). So now I play around putting seaweed with bizarre combinations of whatever I happen to have in the fridge. What you get on here of course, are the best ones!

Hopefully you enjoy these crazy concoctions as much as I do!…oh and enjoy some of these too:

pork loin